HubPages Articles
I have created a number of articles on HubPages covering various topics, primarily educating people about snakes and their venoms. Unfortunately, only a couple of articles have any references listed, so if you desire references for any of these articles, you may request them via email.
Aug 23, 2013
Fangs of Snakes
Snake Fangs 101
What are snake fangs? How do they differ from the other teeth in the snake's mouth? Are there different kinds of snake fangs? Fangs are structures that have evolved to serve as an effective means of introducing venom into prey. Fangs, like "normal" snake teeth, are replaced on a regular basis. Fangs can be enlarged, grooved, and/or hollow, but are absent in nonvenomous snakes. Different types of fangs are utilized by rear-fang and front-fang snakes.
Aug 23, 2013
Front/Rear Snake Fangs
Front- versus Rear-fanged Snakes
What does it mean for a snake to be front-fanged or rear-fanged? This not only refers to the placement of the fangs, themselves, but a number of other factors, including dentition. Front-fanged snakes have less teeth in fewer places than rear-fanged snakes due to their lack of a need to hold on to prey in order to be able to efficiently envenomate them. Front-fanged snakes belong to families Atractaspididae, Elapidae, and Viperidae, with rear-fanged snakes belonging to family Colubridae.
Aug 23, 2013
Front vs Rear-fanged Systems
Front- and Rear-fanged Snake Envenomation Systems
Do front- and rear-fanged snakes simply differ based on the location of their fangs? No, there are a few other morphological differences related to their venom delivery systems as well (regarding musculature, venom gland morphology, fangs). Front-fanged snakes are capable of injecting venom ~100x quicker and more efficiently than rear-fanged snakes, resulting in a "bite-and-release" behavior being common in front-fanged snakes and a "bite-and-hold" behavior being common in rear-fanged snakes.
Aug 23, 2013
Makeup of Snake Venom
Snake Venom Composition and Variability
What’s in snake venom? Snake venoms are primarily composed of proteins and peptides, which possess varying degrees of affinity for their substrates. Does it depend on the type or size of the snake involved? Yes, different families/genera/species/subspecies of snakes may contain different types of venom compounds, with relatively small-scale shifts in venom composition (presence/abundance) possible within an individual snake due to age, diet, environment/captivity, and season.
Aug 23, 2013
Snake Venom Research
The Utility of Snake Venom Research
Why bother studying snake venom? Why should I care unless I get bitten by a venomous snake? Snake venom has been used for things other than just antivenom production (e.g. CroFab), such as scientific research and pharmaceutical applications. When you consider all the possible individual venom components from species of venomous snakes alive today, you realize that there are roughly 60,000 compounds that can be used as drugs to aid human suffering and combat cancer.
Apr 09, 2015
Does Abiogenesis Require Magic?
Did we need a god or creator in order for life to originate on Earth or could life have spontaneously formed from a primordial soup billions of years ago? Abiogenesis and Panspermia describe the two theories of how life began on Earth. There are a handful of places in our solar system that possess the minimum requirements (carbon, liquid water, and energy) for creating the simplest kind of life from nonliving components. Abiogenesis is simply about beating the odds, not magic.
Jun 22, 2015
Big Bang Theory
Does The Big Bang Theory Require Magic?
How can the universe come from nothing? What is in empty space? At the subatomic level, quantum fluctuations occur everywhere, resulting in the spontaneous formation of a particle-antiparticle pair of energetic particles. These particles can randomly undergo a process of inflation, which expands them, like a balloon, to form the known universe, which is still undergoing expansion. Since time didn’t exist before this inflation, there was no time for a Creator to magically create the universe.